Dazed & Confused in Baja

Excerpts from the Book

"The first thing I did was to take my helmet, goggles and gloves off, and I spoke Spanish to her. I asked her if she knew where the highway was and where I could buy fuel. She shook her head, raised her shoulders and said, “No señor, yo no se.” I thought that she didn’t know where I could buy fuel but she couldn’t even tell me where the highway was. “Nada.” I found out that she was 16 years-old and never  been out of the ranch. Those 40 acres or so where she lived, was her entire world. She tended to chickens, cattle, helped her family and nothing else. I was struck by the thought of someone being so close to civilization, yet so primitive. I can tell you this; I felt as if I was living in the 19th Century."