On today's sentiments about our current situation and President. This book is as timely as you can get!

Term Limits

"OK, here’s where all our problems begin. I dare say that all the ills we experience in our daily lives, at least today, derive from our current term limits for a president. Think I’m crazy? Just read on…"

Tort Reform

"You know someone said a long time ago, that if we burned all our federal and state law books and started from scratch, we would have a better society, one that would understand the principles of living and working together."

Are we frik'n out of our minds?

"Tell me how fair it is that a liquor store owner, has a thief come through his store roof, after cutting a hole, get stuck in the process, fall and break his back in the course of committing a felonious act. Then the so-call "victim" sues the store owner for not having the sufficient protection to not allow someone like the thief to get into the store, thereby crashing and hurting himself. The courts judged that the purported "victim" was right and awarded the felon over a million dollars in punitive and compensatory damages. Are we out of our frickin' minds?"